Sunday, July 27, 2008

Morning quiet

I love the morning moments I have for my quiet time. It's truly quiet in the house and listening to the fish tank... it sounds almost like being beside a stream outside. I can close my eyes and see a place where there are trees all around giving the perfect shade. It's a wonderful temperature and not hot and humid. And there I am in a chair beside this peaceful stream reading my Bible and pondering on what the Lord wants to say to me.

This morning He was talking to me about the importance of these quiet moments. He took me to a passage in Mark where it tells how Jesus would get up before daybreak and got to an isolated place to talk to the Father. There He would get His instructions for the day and the Father would tell Him where they were to go minister. I see too that possibly the Father would remind Him occasionally of why He was here on earth. One thing that spoke directly to me was the verse "We must go on to other towns as well, and I will preach to them, too. That is why I came." I sensed in my spirit direction for even me... to go on and be a light in other areas as well. To not just stay put in the same old place. There are other people that need to hear what God has done in my life. Others that need friendship. Lord, prepare the way and open the doors.

Then He took me on to a portion in 1 Peter that talks about exercising self-control, not slipping back into your old ways of doing things but to live an obedient and holy life. Now, this doesn't mean to be all pious and religious, but it does mean to watch what you say and how you act. The Lord was speaking to me in about my own attitudes and actions. So many times I carry the frustrations of the day home with me and daily I need to roll them over to God for Him to take care of. "Cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you." Lord, help me not to take my frustrations out on my family, especially Doug. Help me to have a pleasant and patient attitude... Jesus would spend time with the Father and then go out into the crowds and... He was always patient and loving. Help me Lord to remember to take deep breathes of Your peace when I get frustrated or overwhelmed. Help me to remember that You are right there with me and that You will graciously take care of everything if I just ask.

Then finally, while I was pondering on all these things, that's when I heard the peaceful stream and I turned to Psalm 23. What a way to finish my quiet time.... I see that in these moments, when I quiet myself before Him each morning, He becomes my Shepherd and in Him, I have all that I need. He leads me to this quiet place, beside peaceful streams and renews my strength to face the day. By spending this time with Him He guides me along the right path, the path that He desires that I take, so that I can bring honor and glory to His name. Even when I walk through dark valleys, like I have so many times before, I know that by spending time with Him in the midst of those dark valleys, there's no reason for me to be afraid for He walks close beside me. Shepherd's lead and guide their sheep with a rod and staff to offer protection and guidance and He does the same with me. He rescues me when I need rescuing and He protects me from falling. He leads me and guides me to where He desires that I go, if I will just listen and follow the sound of His voice. And in these quiet moments, I'm able to feast on His word so that I can go out and face whatever comes my way. He honors me by anointing me with the oil of His Holy Spirit and He fills me to overflowing with His blessing and reassurances of His love. I am SO thankful that His goodness and unfailing love daily, moment by moment, pursue me and that He is with me every day of my life. 

Thank You Lord for these quiet moments and preparing me to go out and face the day. Grace me with Your patient and loving attitude and may I be a reflection of You today. I love You SO much.


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