Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Little Things...

Hebrews 12:1:
.."let us strip off every weight that slows us down,  especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us."

Giving something up is always so hard and yet sometimes is required in order to move forward and press on. So many times you don't even realize you're hanging on to something until you're asked to give it up. This past week has been like that for me. The Lord asked me to give something up and that if I would obey Him in this little thing, I would see the benefits of it in the days ahead. So I agreed... but then I began to see what a hold it had on me. Crazy! It was so little and yet had become such a part of me. 

Then I come to this verse and I realize, there's more, isn't there? Of course there is. There are always little things that we hold onto that tend to trip us up. Things we don't realize are holding us back until we have to let it go. We're like a little child that doesn't want to part with a favorite toy and yet, if we would just let go... something far better is ahead. The only way we can truly let go is to keep our eyes focused on Jesus and the goals He has set before us. 

Whenever I read this verse I'm reminded of a race and runners. How they have to let go of things that hinder them and look towards the end goal. That's how they win. 

Lord, help me to keep my eyes focused on You. Enable me, through the power of Your Holy Spirit, to throw off and leave those things behind that cause me to stumble. I want to walk with You unencumbered by the things of this world. Reveal to me the "little things" that hold me back and trip me up. I don't want anything to stand in the way of reaching the goal You have set before me. I don't want anything to hinder me from reaching You and pursuing all that You have for me. Speak to my heart and help me to listen, and be willing to obey.


1 comment:

Kate Geisen said...

I read your comment about your prayers for my relationship with my husband on Renee's page, and I was very touched. Thank you! :)