Sunday, August 10, 2008

Finally posted...

So... the desired position at work is finally posted... it went up Friday afternoon. Over the weekend I've been working on my resume and trying to come up with 'selling points' about myself to explain why I think I would be an excellent candidate for the job. 

I continue to struggle with studying for the Series 7 exam. It's SO hard and I have a difficult time understanding what I'm reading. I went to Barnes & Noble tonight to try to study and came away frustrated when a group of loud and silly teen-agers came in and sat down. I came home to try to study and have not been very successful at all. It's Sunday... I don't want to study on Sunday's. 

My prayer... is that I would be the one selected for this new position. That I would be hired soon so I could stop studying and get back to having a life. Brittney leaves soon and I don't want to spend the entire time studying. Josiah starts his senior year of high school this week and I don't want to be studying all the time when I know he will need my prayers and support. 

Lord... I place it all in Your hands once again... Lead and guide my steps according to Your plans and purposes for my life. If You want me to continue studying then please help me. Give me the strength and the wisdom to study and understand what I'm reading. If You want me in this new position then please help me to be patient in the waiting process. Please help them decide soon! Thank You for having a purpose and a plan for all of this. Help me to breathe deeply of Your peace and rest in You.


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