Saturday, August 30, 2008


Lord I'm amazed by You. 

Your goodness and grace overwhelm me at times. I went to my friend Renee's blog this morning because I read her story on how she found God's unconditional love yesterday and wanted to leave a post there on my experience. However, as I read through all the posts of the previous 29 women, I was blessed and left without words. All I could do was praise Him for His wonderful love and grace! 

Even now I sit in awe of Him. How He could love us SO much and how His mercies continue to be new each morning. How He takes the time to guide and direct each of our steps and He watches over us with great care. I'm just so amazed by Him. 

This has been a rough week for me... stress level has been high but I find it's been that way for a lot of people. Thank you Lord for a 3 day weekend to just sit and be still at Your feet. To take time to rest and just BE. Thank You for Your love and grace that carries each of us daily. Bring rest to those who need Your rest, peace to those who need peace and comfort for those in need of comfort. Draw us to Your side and fill us up with Your love. 

I just am SO amazed by You.


Paula V said...

Thanks, Bonnelle, for your comment on my blog. If you read my comment on Tammy's blog yesterday then you sure got a sob long rambling story/comment.

I'm betting you are referencing Renee's blog on your post as a I recall reading that a couple days ago. I think I left a rather long comment there. I guess you could say I have a weak spoke for the word "love" regarding human love, especially from my beloved.

Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog.

Renee Swope said...

Hi there Bonnelle,

Congratulations on winning one of the CD gifts paks on my blog this weekend!

I smiled when I read how the stories had filled your heart with an overflow of praise to Him for His love. Isn't it amazing how each woman's story of searching for love and finding it in Him, or still longing for it from another - ties our hearts together in such a sweet knot of friendship?

I'm praying for you today that this new position at work will be just what God's been preparing you for!

Please email me your mailing address at so I can send your gift this week.
