Thursday, August 20, 2009

verses that speak...

I love it when I'm reading my Bible in the morning and verses jump out at me and I hear God speaking to my heart through them... It's so awesome because it proves to me on a real life basis that His Word is living and active. There are times, yes, where it cuts me deep and points out where I have been wrong. There are also times where the Lord just sends me gentle words of encouragement such as the story of Ezra - "the gracious hand of his God was upon him" - this is stated in chapter 7 & 8 of Ezra several times. We all know that when God says something more then once we're supposed to listen because it's important. In verses 9 & 10 of chapter 7 it says, "the gracious hand of his God was on him. This was because Ezra had determined to study and obey the Law of the Lord and to teach those decrees and regulations to the people of Israel."

The gracious hand of the Lord his God was upon Ezra because he chose to study and obey the Word of God and he determined in his heart to share the Word of the Lord with the people of Israel.

I felt the Lord reminding me this morning of the verse that started this blog last year. That He has Chosen me as His very own possession and as a result I can share with others about His goodness. He encouraged me to blog about a journey He has me on and about how He is opening doors for me to walk through that... amaze me on a daily basis!

I am not really sure how to go about sharing everything of the last few months but a glimpse into the journey is the amazing goodness of God. Eight months ago God planted a seed in my heart. It was a calling to lay down the security I know in my current job, to lay down the fears I have always had about math and science. He began by taking me through a couple of math classes to gradually build my confidence. He used those classes to show me that He will give me wisdom and understanding about things... I have no understanding of! The last test I took a couple of weeks ago will forever stand as a reminder to me of GOD being the one behind this whole thing! I went into a test totally and completely relying on HIM. I didn't understand the section we were on but I needed to pass the test in order to be done with the class. I prayed before, during and after the test and.... HE helped me pass! I was so..... amazed! I walked out to the truck knowing that God was on this and that He was helping me take each step. I knew that HE was going to be the one to get me through the necessary courses and that in the end... when I walk across the stage to get my diploma it will be for HIS glory.... so that everyone will know... that HE brought me through this great victory!

One morning about a month ago I was reading my Bible outside and praying about school and work and going to school full-time. I wasn't sure how it would be possible for me to quit my job but I knew that taking one class a quarter was going to take me FOREVER to get through them all! I came in and counted up that if I were to start taking two classes a quarter then I could be through the pre-requisites in a year and be onto the next step next fall! I presented this to my husband but neither one of us knew how I could continue to work full-time and take two classes. It would be too much. We began praying and figuring together and finally... he gave me his blessing to quit my job and focus on school. I am still amazed! This was a major turn around from just a few months ago!! God had moved the mountains that were in front of me and suddenly... I could see a brand new day dawning!!

The doors that opened from that moment on were doors that only God could open.
First, my husband needed to be in agreement and we had reached that door and walked through it.
Second, I began praying about one friend in particular at work. She is very dear to my heart and I knew she would take my leaving very hard. I prayed that God would prepare her for the news and that He would help me tell her at just the right moment.
Third, was telling my managers and people at work that I have known for a lot of years.

The day I told my friend at work... God provided the perfect moment. He gave her a dream one night that our former manager came to her to find out how much I make. He looked at the amount and said, "I can top that. I'm taking her." She was stunned and didn't understand what it meant. I told her that maybe it was preparation and explained that I was going to be giving my notice. I told her that God had given her that dream. She denied it but I knew... only God could have given her a dream like that! We talked about it for quite awhile and I could see it was hard but our talk went better then I had hoped.

Next came telling my manager. I had thought I would do it Friday afternoon before I left to go on my "vacation". God had other plans.... He set up a perfect opportunity in the middle of the week and there wasn't any way I could put off telling him any longer. Once I told him... there was no turning back. What was so cool about the whole thing was I was going to put in an application and my daughter told me I would need to know my class schedule before I could put down the hours I was available (spoken like a true college student!). I registered for classes and got that set up, then told my boss I was quitting. He tried to get me to extend out my last day. For a brief moment I contemplated working on a part-time basis. I went outside to talk it through with my husband and in the course of our conversation... I knew staying was not what God wanted for me. It was so awesome! If I wouldn't have already registered for classes, it would have been so easy to have stayed "just a little bit longer". God had me register so I couldn't change my mind in any way! It was so cool!

Finally, when I registered for one of my classes I was on a wait-list because it had filled. I was going to change it to a different class but didn't have the chance to. Today, when I went to the school to look at the books I will need I printed off my schedule... and I'm no longer on the wait-list! It shows me as registered! This is both cool and a little bit scary for me because... it's a Chemistry class!! I was walking on the campus and praying about this new development and suddenly... I was filled with peace. I know that God has helped me pass so far.... He won't let me down now! This is HIS dream for me that He has placed on my heart and I KNOW He will bring it to completion!

My last day is next Friday. While I am a little sad to be leaving those friendships that I have made over the last nine years I am even more excited to be laying down my staff of security to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.... and going on a Wild Goose Chase with HIM!

In going back to the verses I mentioned at the beginning of this post... I feel like God was saying to me this morning that His hand is upon me and He will lead me each step of the way and He will provide for whatever I may need. I believe too that as I'm in the process, He wants me to study and obey His Word and to tell others along the way. As I study these courses, as He gives me the wisdom that I need, I need to share with those people around me what God is saying to me and that HE is the one bringing about victory every step of the way! As I do this, as I acknowledge HIM, His gracious hand will be upon me and it will be evident to everyone around me!

Welcome to my journey... I am so excited to be stepping into HIS New Day for my life. I will keep you posted on the progress! =)

1 comment:

Cheri' said...

I'm thrilled to be able to see you walk into this new day! God's gracious hand is truly upon your life!

What an amazing journey it has been -- from where you were 9 years ago to now! God has moved and you have moved with Him. You've been obedient to His leading, regardless of the difficulty and He is blessing your faith in Him!

I'm excited to watch it all unfold!! I love you my friend!