Sunday, May 3, 2009


"...casting all your cares upon Him for He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7 NKJV)

I was over come with emotion this morning and the Lord spoke these words to me. Then He gave me the picture of casting your line in fishing. He showed me that casting my cares and worries upon Him is much the same way as casting your line out in the water when you are fishing. So over lunch today with my husband (who is a fisherman) I asked him to tell me about casting like I had never seen it done before. He proceeded to tell me about opening the bail in order to release the line and holding onto it until just the right moment. If you release the line too early it will "plunk" down in front of you but if you throw it out and release it, it will fly a long way out. I told him how the Lord had shown me this and that casting takes patience... even in fishing. Sometimes you have to practice and throw the line out several times before it hits the right spot and you are able to catch a fish. I saw how releasing our cares and worries to the Lord is like this in that it takes practice because sometimes we want to pull the rod and line back too quickly... sometimes we don't get them thrown all the way out to the Lord... somethings are easier to release and let go of but other things... are harder. When we cast our cares on Him and release them to His capable hands.... we are rewarded with something far greater then we can imagine. Sometimes, our reward is little but sometimes the reward is great.

Here I am Lord, casting and releasing my cares and those I care about on You. I release them into Your most capable hands because I know You are able to take care of them far better then I can. I know You have a plan and a purpose for all of our lives and I know that not a single detail slips by you. By releasing... I look forward to the greatness of the return that will come back to me in due time... Help me to have patience to wait on Your timing in everything that concerns me and may I trust YOU in all things... at all times....

1 comment:

natalie said...


Patience, Oh I have a difficult time with that one! In your blog today, you are right, cast our cares on Him and He will take care of us.

I'm praying God will teach me to be more patient, His plan always works!

Grace 2 U,