Today, Josiah graduates from High School. This is a momentous occasion in many ways. For one, Josiah HATES school... with a passion! Since his first day of kindergarten he has had a hard time with the idea of having to be INSIDE a classroom for such a long period of time EVERY DAY! He would much rather be playing then sitting still listening to someone go on and on about something he's not really interested in. =) When I look back on his school days I think about the goodness of God in how each year He would supply a teacher who understood him... and saw the potential in him. Each year there was a teacher or someone who seemed to "get" Josiah... with the exception of his 3rd grade year. That's the goodness of God!
Another reason why this is a momentous day is because Josiah walked through the Valley of the Shadow of Death when he went through Leukemia and chemo. There were so many negatives predicted about his life after chemo like his growth being stunted or his ability to learn being slower. The goodness of God though... outweighed all of those things and he is 6' 3" and graduating from High School! There aren't words enough to describe how good and amazing God is.
Yet another reason why this is such a momentous occasion is that in exactly one week from today Josiah will be boarding a plan headed for Turkey. Who knew that he would be the first of my children to go over-seas?!?! How amazing that is to me because Josiah is heading out on a Missions trip to go and tell others of the goodness of God! He shared his testimony to a group of friends last weekend and shared how God had brought him through the loss of a brother, a big move and then Leukemia. He shared about the goodness of God on his life and the things he's learned along the way. I wasn't able to hear all that he shared but I know... God is good!
There are verses in the Bible where God had brought someone through this HUGE battle or amazing feat and He tells them that He has rescued them so they can proclaim the goodness of the Lord and so that the world would know that GOD has done this great thing... Today I declare the goodness of the Lord because He has brought us through so much... next week Josiah will be declaring the goodness of God in a foreign country... What an amazing thing!!
GOD is SO good!!
May you have a blessed day and may you see things surrounding you that help you declare... the goodness of God.