Tuesday, September 2, 2008

New things...

I'm SOOO excited! Tonight was the first night of my English Composition class!! 

For those of you that are not aware, I attended a writer's conference in June and came home with the intent of enrolling in an English class to further my writing abilities. At one point, I thought this goal was going to have to wait until December but then God re-directed things and walked me through this door now. When I went a couple of weeks ago and registered... I can't explain the feeling that came over me as I walked out. I was excited beyond belief! It was such a great feeling of KNOWING I was doing exactly what God wanted me to do.

Tonight as I walked in and took a seat in the front row I just grinned! It was like a dream come true for me. I want to be a good writer and I want to be able to share my story in a way that glorifies God. I am so looking forward to learning more about writing and how to improve my writing skills. 

One thing that was also cool about all of this is, when I was looking at English classes and such, I began to feel that I could apply this to a degree as well so... I will be taking a second class on Saturday afternoons to improve my keyboarding skills. This shouldn't be too tough for me since I'm on the computer ALL the time but I'm sure there are still things I will learn. These two classes will help me work toward an Associates degree as an Administrative Assistant. Once I'm done, I will be able to go anywhere the Lord may lead. For now, though, I hope it will help me at my current job as well as the Event Coordinator position I've applied for and hope to get.

All in the Lord's leading and timing... Still, I'm SO excited about this little step in furthering my writing!! So get ready... there are about to be new and improved posts on this little blog!!

Good night all and may you be richly blessed like I have been tonight!


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